Viva La Vida album review (Sunday People)

Published in Sunday People, NSUNT
31 August 2008

Coldplay: Viva La Vida (Universal Music)

QUALMS about Coldplay’s newest album straying too far into the experimental zone can be quashed as the band retains much of its distinct style heard in the previous albums.

The band has opted for a more atmospheric album in Viva La Vida with layers of sonic texture. Unlike X&Y which was a bit too polished, this album is a delectable treat to the ears.

Thanks goes to producer Brian Eno who helped Coldplay engineer their new sound. Eno is responsible for projecting U2 to superstardom with its album Joshua Tree 20 years ago. He’s done it again for Coldplay.

The title track opens with a strings section and a marching beat which reveals a new side of the band.

Lead single Violet Hill, currently on air, hints at venturing into a more spacious sonic landscape but holds on to that melody hook that fans love.

Cemeteries of London, a song that is as bleak as its subject, is a modern lamentation of gloom and spiritual lapse in the city. Fans will hear Coldplay’s familiar shimmering guitar works here.

Lost! might catch listeners by surprise with its organ pipes but as lead vocalist Chris Martin begins to sing, one can’t help but be mesmerised.

Highlights on the album include Strawberry Swing with its sunny disposition and Yes with a Middle Eastern-flavoured strings section.

In the age of Itunes and Mp3s, Coldplay teaches us again the joy of listening to an album from start to finish. All 10 songs on this album is a gem. Viva La Vida! — By MAX KOH